Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dear crazy people and Friends, Last night the recreational directors decided to take some of the more mobile inmates on a bus ride to see the christmas lights. Preston Idaho used to really decorate the whole town ao that is where Nancy & Becky decided to take us. It was really cold but sNancy soon had the bus warmed up and with Nancy doing the driveing away we wentup 2nd west to 14 North east to the main highway and then north thru Hyde Park, Smithfield which had the town sqare really decorated on to Richmond, Pepperadge farms, cove, with lewiston to the westand the little towns of Trenton and Cornish, beyond, north to Franklin, Idaho home of the Lottery ticket center for all the Utah people to waste their money on.Then on to Preston which was a big dissappointment the town has fallen on hard time because they don't decorate like they used to we went out to the crossroads and made apit stop for one of the inmates and thenback theu preston, Franklin, cove, pepperidge Farms, Richmond, Smithfield. Hydepark . Logan down main street to Center to see the cache county courthose all decorated up, the nativity scene on tabernacle squsre to center street to Ist west north to 2nd North west to 2 west noth to Teracce Grove and end of the line. It was a little to long a trip but it was nice if dissappointing. Another day in the life of the residents. goodnight Love one another and help each other.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It sounds like a fun trip. Way to break out with the inmates! I love you.
