Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Dear crazy people and friends & family, last night the Providence 10th ward Young women came here to Terrace Grove and put on a show for we inmates. I still can't believe the amount of talent in a ward Young Womens organization and the number of kids partisapating. they had girls from Bee hive age on up playing violins, chellos, piano, also piano duets, violin & chello, sister dancing, tumbling, singing, about any thing you can think of. Suffice to say it was a great evening We even sang Christmas carols. Or croked in some of our cases. During the night we got another invh of snow and it got to about 5 below or so the news said. Today its cold and cloudy. Breakfast was Bacon, Sauage, eggs, toast, prunes if you wanted them juice, orange, peach, hot, choclate, & water. As far as I'm concerned, Breakfast is the best meal of the day. I don't really have much appitite but I do enjoy Breakfast. I realize that I,m rambling on but such is the life of an older infirm resident. It isn't the way I would have wished for but this is the way the good lord wanted it to be at this time , Im grateful for my testimony of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Jesus Christ,& that we have a Prophet to guide us in the person of Thomas Monsen. I Love my family, & Friends & All the other crazy people I come in contact with. See you later Love one another and help each other.


  1. That's awesome that the young women came to visit you, what can i say we are amazing all around the world! :)
    Love ya

  2. Oh Grandpa, you make me laugh :) I think I enjoy breakfast the most as well. The Christmas carols seem to be going around, getting everyone in the holiday spirit. Anyway, hope your week is going well. Love you lots.

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed the program. We just got back from Michael's Christmas Choir Concert. Michael is in the Chamber Choir, which is the audition choir. They all sang beautifully, but especially Michael. He also had a solo part which he sang well. Then he also accompanied about 5 other solo numbers. It was great! Jared even managed to sit still for most of it! We love you lots. Have a great breakfast in the morning!
    Love you.
